Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Landing in the Mud

From Greg Guzik:

September 4, 2007: HASP 2007 RECOVERY SUCCESSFUL: HASP was successfully
recovery from a freshly irregated farm field near Poston, AZ during the morning of September 3. In the words of one of the CSBF managers, "You had a very soft landing!" The recovery crew returned HASP to Ft. Sumner by late afternoon of September 4, where we had a first look at the landing damage. Almost all of the student payloads appeared to have suffered very little injury during landing and recovery. The recovery crew removed most of the small payloads from the fiberglass extension booms and dismounted the UAH, MSU and ULL large payload prior to dragging HASP out of the field. They even managed to fish out from the mud one of the TAMU cameras that had broken off during landing. The HASP electronics system appeared very clean with no obvious evidence of water damage or extensive mud intrusion into the interior. Once HASP is returned to LSU next week, we will be able to do a more through assessment.

Images of the Recovery can be found here

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