Thursday, August 24, 2006

Waiting to Image

Integration of HASP with the CSBF systems will occur between August 21 and August 24. GeoCam should begin integration on Friday. Flight Readiness Review is expected for August 28. HASP will be a dawn launch and the first flight opportunity might be as early as August 29. According to Greg Guzik, the HASP manager

However, there is no guarantee for a launch on any particular day, range of days or before or after a day. This is due to a combination of ground weather conditions plus high altitude wind direction and speed. AT BEST, we will have 24 hours notice of a POTENTIAL launch. Be aware that it is NOT unusual for a POTENTIAL launch to be canceled. It is also not unusual for the payload to be rolled to the launch pad and everything be setup (except for taking the balloon out of the box) and the launch be canceled. (It is unusual for the launch to be canceled if the balloon is out of the shipping crate.) We may, therefore, wait days to a week or two for the right conditions.

John and Franky are leaving this morning for the Fort Sumner airport.

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