Saturday, September 02, 2006

Bad (weather today) is Good (for us tomorrow)

Here are the news from Greg Guzick:

The cold front that has brought some amazingly bad weather to the area today is expected to move further south during the day and evening resulting in improving conditions here. In addition, the high altitude winds continue to slow and current predictions are for about 16 hours at float. Thus, we will be attempting to launch HASP tomorrow morning. Activities will begin here at about 3:30 am Mountain time, targeting a launch time of about 7:30 am Mountain (13:30 UTC). As surface winds are expected to continue to decrease during this time period, launch could be delayed several hours.

CosmoCam will be running during most of the pre-launch period and there may be occasional audio commentary. Live views of the launch area from the tower can be obtained from the CSBF website.

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