Sunday, September 03, 2006

It's all your fault, John!

Greg Guzick tells us the following:

The weather just could not give us a break this morning, and a new line of rain storms are developing to the west of us and heading this way. Thus, we have canceled the launch attempt today and will try again tomorrow. In fact, tomorrow’s launch weather should be much, much better. The down side is that Tropical Storm John will be moving up the Baja coast and setting off thunderstorms in the Arizona southwest where HASP is predicted to impact following termination. Thus, with a launch tomorrow we may need to cut down early, resulting in only 10 hours at float.
The new launch target is Monday, September 4 at 7:30 am (13:30 UTC). Pre-launch ops will begin at 3:30 am and pickup will be at 4:00 am.

John is moving off the Baja coast.

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